My consulting business has grown 100% y/y. It’s positioned in a great niche, SMB and municipal government digital marketing and website design, and there’s almost no competition here in Southwest Virginia. Best of all, my phenomenal ForwardView team is more than capable of serving a larger clientele. That capacity gives me complete comfort to build the business nationally.
Market Forecasting
Peter Schiff is known for his doomsday predictions on the US economy, and being a permabull on the price of gold. Why is he famous? He predicted the housing market collapse and the ensuing deep recession we experienced in 2007-2009.
If you watch the collection of old clips from 2006-2007 in the video below, you will think Peter Schiff is some type of financial prophet. Unfortunately, other data will show he isn’t.
How Stocks Helped Fund My Children's Education
This weekend marked a major financial milestone for me as a parent. I made my first college tuition payment. One semester down, seven to go—and that’s just kid number one. Two years remaining before kid number two begins college. Two years after that, kid number three begins.
I thought that this event would be the cause of much stress. And while it wasn’t fun watching your savings deplete, it did become a sense of pride to know that my hard work and decision making was paying off. Then, today, I read a post by my friend Josh Brown titled “How I Invest My Own Money” and it inspired me to write down some thoughts.