The Parallels Between Gardening and Investing

The Parallels Between Gardening and Investing

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. -Greek Proverb 

Gardening has quickly become one of my newest passions. It allows me to spend more time outdoors, away from screens and Twitter and the Internet. It allows time to reflect on the day and on life in general — a form of meditation if you will.

Ramp Review: The Ridge

Ramp Review: The Ridge

I’ve had the same wallet since 2008. It was made of simple black leather where you could fit multiple cards on both sides with a spring money clip in the middle. I purchased it at a Red Wing store near Chicago. I don’t know why I remember this so vividly but the guy at the register told me the wallet would last 10 years and sure enough it did. Recently, the leather completely gave way because I tried shoving too many cards in the slot. So I was off to find a new wallet, R.I.P.I.P. old friend.

Twitter Should Pay Us

Twitter Should Pay Us

If Twitter wanted to build their monthly average user (MAU) base they would look at ways to start paying their users. That’s right. Twitter would pay us, not the other way around. As you can see from the chart below, Twitter’s MAU growth has remained somewhat flat in the past 4 years. Maybe a little paid incentive could get prevent their user base from plateauing.

There Is No Substitute For Hard Work

There Is No Substitute For Hard Work

I took a personal day yesterday to enjoy the perfect spring weather and spend some time doing some much needed yard work. Specifically, I had to grind out four stumps and a bunch of roots. I cut down four trees last year and the stumps have since been sitting there looking like an eye sore. Don’t worry tree-huggers, I planted a new magnolia in its spot and I have some blueberry bushes being delivered today from a local farm.

Reducing The Behavior Gap

Reducing The Behavior Gap

I’ve read a handful of books recently that have discussed the psychology of investing (Thinking In Bets, The Geometry of Wealth, The Behavioral Investor) and I’ve become more enlightened on the concept of the behavior gap. Typically, I’m more attracted to the technical books since I have more of an analytical mind. However, reading these books has turned me onto something new and I wish I would have paid more attention to the behavior gap in my earlier years of investing.